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My name is Jo Goodwin. I have been an Act. Assistant for over 10 years and have made the decision to educate myself and become the "Boss". (lol)

I have always enjoyed seniors and I seem to put a smile on their face when I enter a room, have also been accused of being "heard" before "seen" because they recognize my laugh! I currently work in Denver, Colorado, at Springbrooke Retirement & Assisted Living, with a Memory Care Unit. It is just the AD and I. I am in charge of the Assisted mostly but have many other task to keep me involved with every resident. I have been accused of having a "double". In the evenings I implement activities with the Independent residents, they often seek me out to inquire whats going to happen next! They enjoy Trivia and and group game involving the brain. Oh yea....this is suppose to be about ME...LOL ! 

I'm taking the MEPAP courses to earn my AD Certification. (obviously) So far I have been surprised at what I DO know, always considering it to be common sense, and I have also learned quit a bit as far as the legal side of things. This is my first online class and at my age I am learning even more than I expected ! 

In my "me time" i stay AWAY from electronics and breath in as much fresh air as possible. Since the Rockies are only an hour from my home, my hubby & I head for the hills as often as possible to hike and camp. We both have ATVs and love to ride the dusty trails ! Photography is another one of my passions! As you can imagine....living in Colorado and owing a camera can create an adventure in itself!!! 

I am on the downside of the MEPAP mountain, the journey has been educational and refreshingly fun ! Hope y'all are having a GREAT DAY !!! 

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