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Spin the Wheel Games


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Hi everyone! Just wondering what games you play or know of that could be played with a wheel of fortune style spinning wheel? My wheel has 8 different colored spots it can stop on but we can easily tape on paper cutouts with numbers, dollar amounts, pictures, etc.

Thanks in advance for the ideas!

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You could put trivia topics on the spaces and let them (or their team) answer a question about that topic. Or they can construct a question for the other team. (My residents are not good at team work yet, but are improving with practice.)


Put senses on the spaces. Let them draw a topic from a hat and spin to see what sense they need to talk about ie draw cat, spin feel--How does a cat feel when.....



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You could put pictures of items on the wheel and the residents would have to guess the price of what they cost, like in The Price Is Right show. Place the wright price on the back of the picture. They could pull their own participating number as they enter the game room… and the lucky-ones can spin the wheel and guess the price …




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