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Taking MEPAP1 class


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Hello everyone, I am just ending up my course on Monday Jan. 23. I think I'm going to take a small brake before I register for MEPAP 2. Does anyone have any words of WISDOM as I start in this field. I work in a facility that is not state run. It is a convent. Things here are very different than in the outside state run facilities. I am an Activities Coordinator and a Volunteer Coordinator. I really enjoy my job. It can be very challanging, as it is different every day. Any words of WISDOM can be truly helpful.


ALane Eckert

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I can relate. I am nearly done with MEPAP 1 and I will be taking a short break, but I know I can't wait too long or I will procrastinate taking class

II. I underestimated the amount of time the class would take, and between all the papers, chats and forums I have a hard time keeping my head from blowing right off my necK!!!

You are fortunate to work in a facility that is not state run. Our facility is attached to a private sister's residency and their facility does not have as many rules as ours. 1st obvious difference is all their festive decorations hang from the ceiling. At my facility, nothing hangs from the ceiling. My friend is activity director there and she is so happy she does not have to do all the documentation I do. Best of luck, Audrey

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