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HC Reform Bill to Slash @ Least 44 Billion


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URGENT: Health Care Reform Bill to Slash at Least $44 Billion in Medicare Payments to Skilled Nursing Facilities


Yesterday, HR 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, was introduced in the US House of Representatives. The bill contains detrimental cuts to Medicare payments for Skilled Nursing Facilities which amount to at least $44.9 billion in cuts for Medicare Payments to SNFs alone. This staggering number doesn't account for the $16 billion in regulatory cuts being proposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) by August

The moment to take action is NOW. We ask that you weigh in with your U.S. Representative and let him/her know that cuts of this magnitude are simply unsustainable. Tell your Representative that cuts to Medicare will have a negative impact on nursing homes and will create a ripple effect - putting at risk the quality of care to the frail, elderly and disabled and the loss of tens of thousands of jobs for long term care providers across the country.


We must put a stop to these egregious cuts before it's too late. Congress has made health care reform a priority this year and intends to pass a bill as early as August.


Your voice needs to be heard on this vital issue. You can take action today by sending a letter to your U.S. House Representative and tell them to OPPOSE Medicare payment cuts to SNFs contained within HR 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.


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