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Activity Department Program Design & Evaluation

[b]Activity Department Program Design & Evaluation[/b]
By Karen Connelly, TRS/TXC

Activity Department Program Design & Evaluation
from the book - "[url="http://www.activitydirector.net/shop/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=128"][b]Activity Department Guide for Assisted Living Facilities[/b][/url]" by Karen Connelly, TRS/TXC
Questions to consider about an Activity program. Asking the right questions during a Job Interview or providing information about your current program, the list below will help you prepare. Learning what to evaluate about an activity program will help you in many different aspects of the Activity Profession.
Do you know your Activity Program? ...

Resident Profile:
1. Who are your residents?
2. How many residents are in your facility?
3. What is the average age of the residents?
4. What types of disabilities affect your residents?
5. What is the ratio of male to female residents?
6. What are the socioeconomic, occupation and education characteristics of the residents?
7. What are the religious backgrounds of the residents?
8. Where did the resident live before coming to the community?
Activity Staff:
9. Who is the activity staff?
10. What are the activity staff’s responsibilities and skills?
11. Possibilities of increasing your activity staff?
12. Can the other staff help with programming?
13. Are their volunteers?
14. What are the guidelines regarding volunteers?
15. Are the families involved?
16. Are there intern students?
17. Activity Areas
18. What rooms can the Activity Director (AD) use and, what is the evaluation of the space?
19. What community facilities might be available?
20. How would you rate the equipment and supplies available?
21. What equipment and supplies are you lacking?
22. What is the current budget, and policies regarding expenses, for the activity department?
23. What is the process of increasing budget?
24. Is fund raising possible?
Activity Director:
25. Is the Activity Director a Department Head and, if so, what responsibilities does that role require?
26. Who carries out activities when the Activity Director is unavailable?
27. Does the Activity Director have current a Material Safety Data Sheet notebook and has this program been explained?
28. Does the AD work weekend or evenings?
29. Who is responsible for activities scheduled for the weekend and evenings?
30. Does the facility have a fund for continuing education and what is the policy?
31. What is the Resident Council policy?
32. What is the change of activity policy?
33. Is the AD required to work directly with Alzheimer’s patients?
34. Is there a set schedule for the programming?
35. Does the AD have current Alzheimer’s training?
36. Does your facility have in-service requirements for the activity department?
37. Does the facility require the AD to be certified by the state?
38. Does your facility provide adequate storage space for your activity program?
39. Has your administrator provided you with the state regulation?
40. Has your administrator provided you with your job description as well as staff job descriptions?
41. What are your facility rules on making food outside of the kitchen? BBQ, etc.?
42. What are your facility’s rules regarding taking residents out of the facility in your own car?
43. Does the AD drive the van for activities and residents’ appointments?
44. Does the facility have a current program in place for transportation?
45. Is the AD required to transfer patients and, if so, has the AD been properly trained in this?
46. What is the outing policy?

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