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Activity Participation Charting


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I do not have to do them but understand the amount of paperwork that would require. Just a thought however what about photos so you can see who was there than do all the paperwork at one time based on them?

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We chart on a calendar. We print an 8x11 activity calendar for each resident and then use highlighters to chart who was at an activity. If the resident engages in an activity that was not on the calendar we write it on the calendar and highlight it appropriatly.


Pink - not present

Yellow - Participated

Green - Present but did not participate to full potential

Blue - Present but did not participate, did her/his own thing


Hope that helps!



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I started high lighting a calendar back in the early 80's, I don't know if others were doing it before me or not as computers were not well used, maybe not around then, at leats I didn't own one or know anyone who did. I started this as I had no one to teach me how to do this & was new to being an activity director without any staff. The facility I worked at was 150 bed, which is hugh for someone on their own, new & had to self-train.

It is extra work but I have tried lots of other ways to do this over the years, I think this system is the best. I like it because if there is a change in a resident attendance or ways I see it at a glance. This is especially true when you are workign with a lot of residents & few staff members in your departemnt. I also like it when it comes time for Care Plans (writing the assessments) again I could look at 3 months in a matter of mins. & know what was happening. Lastly this system has save me when families come to me & say "Mom/Dad says they are never out of their room & no one informs them of activities" etc. (They are usually the most activie resident :lol: ). I have even had state commment on how much they like this system.

So that is just my though on the subject. But truly there are so many ways to chart residents attendance, find one that works for you & go for it.

If you find a good one please share it. :)

Good luck.

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