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??? About Ceu's

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:-? Hi I am not yet certified and got a job as a diretor in April, I am trying to get provisonaly certified by end of June Early July. I was told by the teacher of my MEPAP classes that she could turn most college classes into CEU's and that one college credit is equal to 30 CEU's. I am taking a CPR class at the college that is 1 credit, only problem is I can't get ahold of the teacher to find out how to go about getting it turned in to CEU's after the class, can anyone help me find out if there is another way I can get it turned in to CEU's, in case I still can't get ahold of teacher by the time i want to apply????? Thanks in Advance, Denise

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Hey Denise,

You say that your taking the class now but can't get hold of the instructor? Who is teaching the course? You can have the person who is actually doing it sign the certificate, To get a certificate you can go to NCCAP & they have one that you can print out. Then you put the information on it & have the instructor sign it. If this is not possible you have a couple of other options, go to the office (one at the college campus) & speak with them about the CPR course & explain to them what you are needing. You can also copy the certificate that you will be getting. showing that you have taken the course & send this in for the credit. Another way is to make a copy of the information you get from the instructor about CPR, the course, any paperwork they give you & send this in for the CEU.

You can get lots of information on how to get CEU credit(s) & how to fill out the paperwork from the same website mentioned above.

Welcome to the Activity world, you will love this job. :-D

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