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Found 14 results

  1. Version v1.1 Final


    Activity Director State Regulations This document is arranged alphabetically by State. To move easily from State to State, click the Bookmark tab on the Acrobat navigation column to the left of the PDF document. This will open a Table of Contents for the document. The relevant federal regulations are at the end of the PDF.
  2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View the Seminar Brochure Behavioral Gerontology and Activity Approaches (Final) (1).pdf View and Print the Application Behavioral Gerontology and Activity Approaches Form (1).pdf
  3. Activity Directors Network Online Classroom Visit ActivityDirector.org or call us at 1.888.238.0444 Our Online MEPAP Classes start Tuesday August 6th 2019 We are now enrolling! FREE CE Course for All August Students Person-Centered Planning Made Easy 8 Credit Hours Activity Directors Network is the premiere online provider of the MEPAP classes with almost all of our students passing the NCCAP national exam. We have taught students from all 50 states, Canada and England. Activity Directors in Long Term Care, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Adult Daycare, Swing-Bed Hospital Care, Recreational Care and PACE programs can take the NCCAP MEPAP Courses. Our MEPAP 1 is the most widely accepted Activity Director Training course in the US. Make sure your Activity Staff is qualified before your next Survey, The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (cms.gov) State Survey of Senior Care Facilities follow Federal Regulation F680-F679, Surveyors Guideline In some States this course meets all of the Minimum State Requirements under Federal regulation F680, Check with your State Regs and your facility for any additional Continuing Education requirements. ------------ Taking a course Online is a very interactive way to learn. Not only do you benefit from a professional Activity Director Instructor, You also share the knowledge and networking with your entire class. Our Classrooms Lead Instructor, Kathy Hughes ADC, has over 40 years of teaching the NCCAP Certification course experience, as one of the original MEPAP Certification Training Course Authors, Kathy has the "know how", the experience and the resources to train you and your staff to provide innovative activities to your residents as well as learn about the regulations that effect the delivery of activities. Our Guest Instructors - Swing-Bed Specialist, Ruth Martanis - Adult-Day Health Specialist, Celeste Chase ACC CDP Once you experience the Online Classroom setting you'll wonder why you didn't try this sooner. ----------- The 24/7 Chatroom and the Class Forum are just two of the ways each and every Student can reach out to the entire class to either ask for help, offer some advice or share their particular journey with the class. You will enjoy networking with activity professionals who share their ideas and knowledge throughout the course. Our online class lasts 4 months, a 180hr course, 90hrs Class Study/90hrs of Practicum (Fieldwork). Cost is $600 - Payment Plans are available. If your facility is paying, simply sign our Purchase Order Agreement to verify payment. Ask about our "Self-Paced Format" that will allow you to expedite the training or extend it out for a year to help accommodate a busy life..... To Get Started . visit ActivityDirector.org and download the MEPAP 1 Enrollment Packet . fill out the enrollment forms, fax them in and you're ready to go. (fax 1.866.405.5724). Be sure and use our "Military Family Discount" $100 off any Military family Download a Enrollment Packet, fill out the forms, fax it to us. 1+866-405-5724 Enrollment Packets MEPAP 1 MEPAP 2 Click HERE to have the Enrollment Packet emailed to you. Be sure and use our "Military Family Discount" $100 off any Military family EZ Payment Plans Available - Call or email us to set up a plan that will work for you! Email Us - admin@activitydirector.net ** FREE Course requires a paid Enrollment Activity Directors Network was founded in 1996 on the idea that we could help create elderly care that dramatically improved the lives of those we all serve. Activity Directors are the key to creating environments that we ourselves would be excited to live in. We envision facilities that feel like homes, not institutions. Facilities that celebrate our resident’s individuality and allows them to live with dignity, purpose and joy. We believe providing the best education available, with the most talented teachers we can find, is the way to make an impact. Each and every single one of you are the revolution that is changing everything. Thanks for being a part of Our Network, Pennie
  4. Activity Directors Network Online Classroom Visit ActivityDirector.org or call us at 1.888.238.0444 Our Online MEPAP Classes start Tuesday August 6th 2019 We are now enrolling! FREE CE Course for All August Students Person-Centered Planning Made Easy 8 Credit Hours Activity Directors Network is the premiere online provider of the MEPAP classes with almost all of our students passing the NCCAP national exam. We have taught students from all 50 states, Canada and England. Activity Directors in Long Term Care, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Adult Daycare, Swing-Bed Hospital Care, Recreational Care and PACE programs can take the NCCAP MEPAP Courses. Our MEPAP 1 is the most widely accepted Activity Director Training course in the US. Make sure your Activity Staff is qualified before your next Survey, The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (cms.gov) State Survey of Senior Care Facilities follow Federal Regulation F680-F679, Surveyors Guideline In some States this course meets all of the Minimum State Requirements under Federal regulation F680, Check with your State Regs and your facility for any additional Continuing Education requirements. ------------ Taking a course Online is a very interactive way to learn. Not only do you benefit from a professional Activity Director Instructor, You also share the knowledge and networking with your entire class. Our Classrooms Lead Instructor, Kathy Hughes ADC, has over 40 years of teaching the NCCAP Certification course experience, as one of the original MEPAP Certification Training Course Authors, Kathy has the "know how", the experience and the resources to train you and your staff to provide innovative activities to your residents as well as learn about the regulations that effect the delivery of activities. Our Guest Instructors - Swing-Bed Specialist, Ruth Martanis - Adult-Day Health Specialist, Celeste Chase ACC CDP Once you experience the Online Classroom setting you'll wonder why you didn't try this sooner. ----------- The 24/7 Chatroom and the Class Forum are just two of the ways each and every Student can reach out to the entire class to either ask for help, offer some advice or share their particular journey with the class. You will enjoy networking with activity professionals who share their ideas and knowledge throughout the course. Our online class lasts 4 months, a 180hr course, 90hrs Class Study/90hrs of Practicum (Fieldwork). Cost is $600 - Payment Plans are available. If your facility is paying, simply sign our Purchase Order Agreement to verify payment. Ask about our "Self-Paced Format" that will allow you to expedite the training or extend it out for a year to help accommodate a busy life..... To Get Started . visit ActivityDirector.org and download the MEPAP 1 Enrollment Packet . fill out the enrollment forms, fax them in and you're ready to go. (fax 1.866.405.5724). Be sure and use our "Military Family Discount" $100 off any Military family Download a Enrollment Packet, fill out the forms, fax it to us. 1+866-405-5724 Enrollment Packets MEPAP 1 MEPAP 2 Click HERE to have the Enrollment Packet emailed to you. Be sure and use our "Military Family Discount" $100 off any Military family EZ Payment Plans Available - Call or email us to set up a plan that will work for you! Email Us - admin@activitydirector.net ** FREE Course requires a paid Enrollment Activity Directors Network was founded in 1996 on the idea that we could help create elderly care that dramatically improved the lives of those we all serve. Activity Directors are the key to creating environments that we ourselves would be excited to live in. We envision facilities that feel like homes, not institutions. Facilities that celebrate our resident’s individuality and allows them to live with dignity, purpose and joy. We believe providing the best education available, with the most talented teachers we can find, is the way to make an impact. Each and every single one of you are the revolution that is changing everything. Thanks for being a part of Our Network, Pennie
  5. Our Online MEPAP Classes start next Tuesday April 3rd Activity Directors in Long Term Care, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Adult Daycare , Our MEPAP 1 is a State Approved Training course. Approved thru Federal Regulation F679 that governs the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (cms.gov) during their State Survey of Senior Care Facilities with regard to the Activity Director. Download a Enrollment Packet to pass along to your employer Click HERE for the MEPAP1 Enrollment Packet Taking a course online is a very interactive way to learn. Not only do you benefit from a professional Activity Director Instructor, you also share the knowledge and networking with your entire class. Our Classroom Staff , Lead Instructor, Kathy Hughes - Swing-Bed Consultant, Ruth Martanis - Adult-Day Health Consultant, Celeste Chase Once you experience the Online Classroom setting you'll wonder why you didnt try this sooner. The 24/7 Chatroom and the Class Forum are just two of the ways each and every Student can reach out to the entire class to either ask for help, offer some advice or share their particular journey with the class. Our online class lasts 4 months, a 180hr course, 90hrs Class Study/90hrs of Practicum (Fieldwork). Cost is $600- a payment plan is available and if your facility is paying, simply sign our Purchase Order Agreement and begin immediately. To Get Started . visit ActivityDirector.org and download the MEPAP 1 Enrollment Packet . fill out the enrollment forms, fax them in and you're ready to go. Call Activity Directors Network at 1.888.238.0444 for more details. Click HERE for the MEPAP1 Enrollment Packet
  6. Sherry Anne Jones Barzak‎ posted this to share .. Follow Sherry and the NCCAP on Facebook ..thanks.. Pennie
  7. Dawn Worsley (NCCAP) and Caregiving 101 are leading the way to standardization for Home Care Training and Regulations NCCAP.org . Home Care, Aging in Place are becoming more the norm these days as Home Care grows, and the availability of local caregivers increase. Its rare that you can drive any place in any city without seeing a Home Care Representative on his or her way to care for an elderly resident. Home care assistants serve a vital role in providing much-needed assistance to the elderly, disabled, and chronically ill populations within our communities. They care for patients who independently are unable to maintain good hygiene, proper nutrition, and a clean living space. They may also assist with daily activities and recreation if needed by the patient. Visit the NCCAP for more exciting news on the Road to Home Care Standardization. < Click Here to view the Balancing Act promo for the Upcoming Lifetime TV Feature . NCCAP and Home Care Certification Caregiver Training Requirements By State >> Caregiver Training By State.pdf
  8. Visual Arts for an Aging Population www.ActivityDirector.org This course will provide the Activity Director (AD) and Recreational Therapist with the reasons that visual arts are so beneficial to the aging population who have experienced loss in a variety of ways in their lives. Also included are examples of those whose lives have been transformed because someone took the time to work with them in the creative process. There is a list that accompanies the course with art projects and their instructions. Workshop Objectives: Upon completion the student will have an understanding of the cognitive and psychological and benefits associated with art and creativity. The student will understand the importance of implementing programming that creates social connections between residents. Upon completion the student will have techniques, ideas and tools that will help guide them in approaching and planning artistic activities effectively. The student will have a variety of art projects that may be incorporated directly into their activity programming. Workshop Content: What Is Art? Cognitive and Psychological Benefits of Art Importance of Resident Connections Effective Activity Approaches Art Projects 3 CE Hours NCCAP Pre-Approval#NCCAP32200-18 $29.95
  9. Its that time of year again.. The NAPW Celebration at the NCCAP.org FREE! NCCAP Continuing Education hours for participation in the NCCAP CHATS For National Activity Professional’s Week! These one hour chats begin at 8pm est unless otherwise noted. Each night is a new Moderator and a new topic. Glance over the impressive list of Activity professionals and thier topics of discussion. Plan to attend them all. Go to http://nccap.org/chat and Register your Chat name and Password . Be sure and download the Continuing Education Form from NCCAP.org to claim your CE Certificate of Completion . Submit the form, without the fee, to the NCCAP., even If you don’t need the credit, you are still welcome to join in the conversation! JANUARY- National Activity Professional’s Week-FREE CHATS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/17- Sunday-Cindy Bradshaw: Certification 1/18- Monday-Sherry Barzak: Advocacy at a Different Level 1/19- Tuesday- Bryan Rife: Perusing the NCCAP Power Point 1/20- Wednesday- Dawn Appler: Part 1 Advocacy Relating to Activities 1/21- Thursday- Dawn Appler: Part 2 Advocacy Relating to Activities 1/22- Friday-Jane Anderson: Links and NCCAP 1/23- Saturday-Sherry Barzak: Attendance at the State and Local Levels 1/24 – Sunday-Kathy Hughes: TBA
  10. Can anyone tell me where to find how many CEU Hours the MEPAP 2 is worth. I have found information that states the course counts for CEU's toward NCCAP certification, but not sure the entire 90 hours counts. Anyone have some documented information on this?
  11. The National Certification Council has a New Website Design... NCCAP.org Dont forget the NCCAP Symposium in June, 4th through the 6th Cary NC read all about it on the NCCAP blog Need extra CEs Join the NCCAP Chat .. earn CEs for participation. Schedule Dates and Times.. on the NCCAP Website......
  12. NCCAP Symposium LIVE streaming option for CE's 05/10/13 NCCAP Symposium 2013 Live Streaming Session That Will Be Available Eastern Standard Time Friday May 31st, 2013 11:15-12:45pm Tips and Strategies for Facility Type Consulting Jane Anderson, ACC 3:45-5:15pm Teaching Ethics in the Classroom Natalie Davis, ACC Saturday June 1st, 2013 8:30-10:00am Successful Testing For the Student and Instructor Debbie Hommel, ACC 1:45-3:15pm Putting the Interdisciplinary Puzzle Together Where Does Activities Fit In? John Collins ACC/EDU Livestreaming Via UstreamTV Same link will be used for each streaming session: http://ustre.am/Y1SJ **NCCAP is not responsible for any technical difficulty related to the use of USTREAM** **Participants may be subject to commercials** **Participants wishing to receive the CE credit will have to follow the NCCAP policy (for the only chat format)and submit the CE Form plus $15.00 Fee**(per session)at the conclusion of the conference. thanks Kathy Remember MEPAP Classes start June 4th .. download the enrollment pack from http://www.activitydirector.org for complete details.
  13. Call to Action (2) November 17, 2012 This "Call to Action" meeting will be sponsored by NCCAP (National Certification Council for Activity Professionals) 9am - 5pm - 6.5 hours of continuing education will be given The cost will be $30.00 a person. Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Convention Center 2800 Shore Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23451 (757)481-9000 Hotel accommodations are the participant responsibility. All rooms are suites and we have secured the rate of 99.00 single/109. Double The hotel has an indoor pool, restaurants, sets right on the beach, and plenty of things to do in the area for those wishing to bring your families along . The purpose of the meeting - We are concerned about the future of the activities profession and the activities professional of all levels. NCCAP invites you to attend and help shape a brighter future for those who serve the elderly population. NCCAP represents activity professionals who provide quality activity services to hundreds of thousands of people living and receiving long-term care. Activity professionals have a special skill set that is appreciated by those that they serve. It is now time to recognize a profession that has supported the quality of life in facilities across the nation and the world. Topics for Collaboration - in 11/2010 * The impact of the Universal worker/culture change movement * The lack of recognition (respect/awareness) in the activity profession * The lack of consistency in the regulations/regulatory bodies * Perception of the activity profession both internally and externally * Lack of marketing in the activity profession This Call to Action was OPEN to ANYONE wishing to discuss and brainstorm the above issues (ONLY), Registration Form --------------------------------------clip here---------------- Name- Contact Information- Email address is a must - Send with a check/money order for 30.00 per person to; NCCAP Call to Action P.O. Box 62589 Virginia Beach, VA 23466
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